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Maps 2011 - V001417

Daily production of atmospheric chemistry fields maps from REPROBUS

- Reprobus overview

REPROBUS (Reactive Procecesses Ruling the Ozone Budget in the Stratosphere) is a CTM (Chimie Transport Model) that describes stratospheric chemistry with 55 chemical species and more than 100 chemical reactions. Heterogeneous chemistry upon Polar Stratospheric Clouds and aerosol particles is parameterised within the model. Transport of the chemical species are assured by a semi-Lagrangian scheme. More details about this CTM can be found in Lefèvre et al., J. Geophys. Res. [1994].

CAUTION: Maps are only produced between december and March for Northern Hemisphere and between may and november for southern hemisphere.

- Atmospheric chemistry fields maps from REPROBUS produced at J-1 : 02 December

North hemisphere maps
435K O3 N2O HCl ClONO2 NOx ClOx
  NO2 HNO3 gaz O3loss BrOx PSC
475K O3 N2O HCl ClONO2 NOx ClOx
  NO2 HNO3 gaz O3loss BrOx PSC
550K O3 N2O HCl ClONO2 NOx ClOx
  NO2 HNO3 gaz O3loss BrOx PSC